Sarah Hawkins is the founder and owner of Race Rugrats, a childcare company dedicated to caring for and entertaining children during various races not only locally but around the State. I interviewed Sarah and asked her some questions to learn more about this amazing company and what they are all about!
What is Race Rugrats?
Race Rugrats provides on-site professional childcare at events like marathons, triathlons, and more. Currently, Race Rugrats supports events in Fresno, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara Counties. Since their first race in March 2019, Race Rugrats has supported and been involved in nine races. While parents participate in the actual race, their child can join Race Rugrats’ “Spit Crew” which has engaging crafts and games for children of different ages.
Accepting kids from six-months through ten-years of age, Race Rugrats handles everything – diaper changes, nose wipes, you name it! They provide safe sunscreen and healthy snacks throughout the event and do their best to meet parents at the finish line with a motivational poster to cheer them on! Their staff, the Spit Crew, is comprised of individuals with professional child-care experience. They are all background-checked and there will always be a minimum of one CPR/First Aid certified staff member present at all times.

How did Sarah Hawkins come up with the idea of this company?
The idea came to her in September 2017 while she was talking to some parents at a kid’s birthday party and she asked, “Why do you have numbers written in Sharpie on our legs?”
When the parents explained that they had done a triathlon the day before, Sarah’s reaction was, “That’s cool that races have childcare so you can do that!”
However, the parents responded, “Oh no, races don’t have childcare, we have to hire babysitters!”
That got Sarah thinking – why DON’T races provide childcare? You can drop your kids off at childcare for church, at the gym, etc. so why not races too?!?
Fast forward to August 2018, while on a 350-mile self-supported family bike tour, Sarah read an article in a Triathlon Magazine about a family who had to improvise on race day because of a babysitter bailing on them. That was the spark she needed to start building the idea into a reality.
Sarah says “I consulted with local entrepreneurs and race directors who all confirmed that this was a good idea worth exploring. Thanks to their support, and some wonderful local sponsors, I was able to launch the business that same month.”
Sarah explained “Race Rugrats works with sponsors. Our presenting sponsor is Active Life Insurance. Our Silver Sponsors are Endurance Cubed and Action Wipes. Our Bronze sponsors are All Good and Youu-Ness Sports Massage. The business is growing slowly, and organically, but in May, my husband and I were able to race together while our daughter was having fun at Race Rugrats – that made me feel like a success!”

How can I register my kids?
Registration is available on the website (, on Facebook events, and on Eventbrite. Registration is quick and easy and Race Rugrats offer a sibling discount for two or more kids from the same family! Standard reservation fee is $20 for the first two hours of care and $8 per hour for each additional hour.
Upcoming races
Here is the list of upcoming races Race Rugrats will be partnering with in 2019:
Shaver Lake Triathlon in Shaver Lake, September 29
City to the Sea Half Marathon in Pismo Beach, October 13
SLO Ultra in Arroyo Grande/Lopez Lake, Oct 26-27
Morro Bay Triathlon in Morro Bay, November 3
Two Cities Marathon in Fresno, November 3
For further questions about Race Rugrats, their website is .