Looking for Halloween fun in San Luis Obispo County? From family-friendly festivals to spooky nighttime adventures, there’s something for everyone. Here’s your go-to guide for all the ghoulishly good happenings this October! 1. Cambria Scarecrow Festival 📅 October 1 – October 31, 2024 👻 Wander through Cambria to discover quirky, creative scarecrows that celebrate the…
Category: Halloween
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Five Favorite Hikes Around Pismo Beach
•American, Arroyo Grande, Avila Beach, BBQ, Christmas, Deli, Events, Five Cities, food trucks, Grover Beach, Halloween, Holiday, Ice Cream, Ice Cream, Living in Pismo Beach, Nature, Nipomo, Nursery & Home Decor, Pismo Beach, Produce, Restaurants, Retail, Sandwiches, Service, Shell Beach, Speciality Food, Thanksgiving, The Village, Things To Do, Yummy things to do in Pismo Beach
Pumpkin Patch Adventures Await at Tar Creek Ranch in Arroyo Grande
•Arroyo Grande, Avila Beach, Events, Festival, Five Cities, Grover Beach, Halloween, Holiday, Hospital, Humane Society, Living in Pismo Beach, Nature, Pismo Beach, Service, Shell Beach, Things To Do, Veterinary Clinic
Halloween Pet Costume Competition In Pismo Beach
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Events, Five Cities, Grover Beach, Halloween, Holiday, Things To Do
Trunk or Treat
Presented by Rotary Club of Pismo Beach/Five Cities Calling all ghosts, goblins, princesses, and monsters of all sizes and shapes – start your Halloween early this Friday, October 26 at the third annual Trunk or Treat put on by the Rotary Club of Grover Beach in collaboration with Grover Beach Parks and Recreation Department. This…
Events, Festival, Five Cities, Halloween, Holiday, Pismo Beach
Pismo Beach Pumpkins on the Pier!
Halloween is going to be tricky this year – literally. For parents of young children who still enjoy dressing up and trick-or-treating, the fact that this year’s spook-fest falls on a Monday is no laughing matter! While many of you will still trot your ghouls and goblins around on the actual holiday, it will be…