Comfort Market

The Village of Arroyo Grande has grown up a bit in recent years — adding some new faces to the usual dining choices. While we love the stand-by’s of the Village Grill, McKlintocks Saloon and Alphy’s Broiler, new-comer Rooster Creek has become rooted in our regulars. Of course Jack loves Klondikes … pizza, video games and chucking your peanut shells on the floor? What second-grader wouldn’t?

But we are expanding and are pleased that we now have a new favorite in the Village of Arroyo Grande: Comfort Market.

Comfort Market is a beautifully decorated small gourmet market with a great menu and wine bar. I especially enjoy the wide variety of wines and draft beer they have ready to pour. 🙂

Kari Ziegler is the brains and brawn behind this great new find in the village, she brings a few great things from her past (dates and gourmet grilled cheese) but has also created many new and wonderful food selections for lunches and snacks. Kari and her staff can also do take-out catering for small events or on-site catering for larger ones. And if you are planning a picnic for a day of wine-tasting or at the beach or lake then don’t forget Comfort. Bring your empty basket and they will fill it up!

The open patio and bright colors give a very modern feel but comfortable atmosphere inviting you to come and relax. When gathering with friends or family Comfort Market provides the ambiance, food and drink you want to share.

Comfort Market

(805) 481-1558
116 W Branch Street
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

The Mission: Great ingredients, warm people, delicious food in a comfortable environment, is that too much to ask for?

Whether you are running in for a hard to find ingredient, a gourmet picnic basket for wine tasting or to sit down and enjoy a meal that will bring you back to a good time and a warm memory, you will find a place at Comfort Market.

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